About Us

Food Scraps Drop Spot was a community based composting model that provided a food scraps drop off service for apartment residents who wanted to divert their organics waste but didn’t have access to a collection service in their building.

The program was a collaboration between a group of social enterprises, non-profits, neighbourhood groups, and volunteers. Throughout it’s duration, the Drop Spot program received 54,589 drops and enabled Vancouver apartment residents to divert 366,305 lbs of food scraps from the local landfill.

The Food Scraps Drop Spot program operated weekly at selected Farmers Markets and community locations in high density neighbourhoods.

If you want more information about our program, please feel free to contact us.

Thank you for checking out our program, if you are yet to be provided with an organics service in your apartment or condo, see the City of Vancouver Multi Residents Waste Collection Page for more information.